Low Back Pain

It is estimated that 23% of the world's adult population suffers from low back pain. It is an extremely common complaint and we treat patients suffering from this condition daily.
Common Causes of Lower Back Pain:
Arthritis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Degenerative Joint Disease
Disc Bulge, Herniation
Facet Joint Irritation
SI (Sacroiliac) Joint Dysfunction
Strained / Sprained Muscle or Ligament in Lumbar Spine
We are able to treat all of these conditions through various techniques and therapies. An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to determine the exact cause of your lower back pain. To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.
Neck Pain

It is estimated that 1 out 3 adults will suffer from neck pain at least once a year. It is becoming even more prevalent in recent years due to cell phone/laptop screen usage.
Common Causes of Neck Pain:
Arthritis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Degenerative Joint Disease
Disc Bulge, Herniation
Facet Joint Irritation
Strained/sprained muscle or ligament in cervical spine
Whiplash Injuries
We are able to treat all of these conditions through various techniques and therapies. An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to determine the exact cause of your neck pain. To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.
Middle and Upper Back Pain

Middle and/or upper back pain generally refers to pain within your thoracic spine. The thoracic portion of your spine refers to an area that runs from the base of your neck to the bottom of your rib cage. Though thoracic pain is not as common as lower back pain or neck pain, it is still an issue that affects tens of millions of Americans each year.
Common Causes of Thoracic Pain:
Arthritis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Degenerative Joint Disease
Disc Bulge, Herniation
Facet Joint Irritation
Strained/Sprained muscle or ligament in cervical spine
Whiplash Injuries
Rib Issues
We are able to treat all of these conditions through various techniques and therapies. An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to determine the exact cause of your thoracic pain. To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.
Bulging, Herniated Discs
A disc injury can be one of the most painful and frustrating injuries that can occur in the spine. Your spine is made up of many bones called vertebrae and each vertebra is separated by a disc. These discs act like spacers/shock absorbers between the bones. The disc itself can become damaged, swollen, or displaced which can put pressure on the adjacent nerve root. This will primarily cause shooting pain into your arm/hands in cervical (neck) disc bulges or shooting pain down your leg/feet in lumbar (low back) disc bulges.
A bulging disc means that the disc itself has become mis-shapen and is extending outward into the nerve root. A bulging disc sags like a car tire with an air leak.
A herniated disc means that the cover of the disc has a tear in it. When this occurs the jelly-like center of the disc drifts towards the outside of the structure and goes into the spinal canal/nerve root. Like a compressed water balloon.
A herniated disc is often more severe than a bulging disc, but both are treatable and manageable without surgery in most cases. Treatment will entail a combination of chiropractic adjustments and a variety of therapies. We utilize a decompression table in our office that yields amazing results.
An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to determine the exact treatment protocol for your disc injury. It is not uncommon for a disc bulge to be confused for sciatica and vice versa. To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.
About 40% of people in the U.S. will experience sciatica at some point in their life. This condition refers to an entrapment of the sciatic nerve within the lower back or within the musculature of the buttocks. It leads to burning, tingling, or numbness within the back, buttocks, or leg.
Common Causes of Sciatica:
Tight musculature within buttocks entrapping nerve
Piriformis syndrome
Frequent sitting
Lower back or pelvic injuries
It is important to distinguish a true sciatica vs a sciatica-like condition. It is not uncommon for a sciatica to be confused for a disc bulge and vice versa. Many other conditions can mimic a sciatica. An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to determine the exact treatment protocol for your sciatica. To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.
There are many different types of headaches, but the most common types are migraine, tension, cluster, and sinus headaches. Each headache type has a different presentation and requires a different treatment protocol. Our office specializes in addressing and treating each headache type. Many headaches have an origin from a disturbance in the blood vessels, musculature, or nerves within the cervical spine (neck). Chiropractic can be extremely beneficial in relieving headache causes and symptoms.
Common causes of headaches:
Muscle tension within upper back or neck
Inflamed/irritated nerve roots in neck or head
Inflamed/irritated blood vessels in neck or head
Hormonal shifts
High blood pressure
Poor posture
Whiplash Injuries

A whiplash injury refers to a forceful, often high speed, back and forth motion of the neck. A whiplash injury can lead to neck stiffness, neck pain, sore muscles in neck, and difficulty turning or moving the neck. Headaches and dizziness can occur following whiplash injuries as well. The most common occurrence of this is a car accident, but a whiplash injury can occur from many other circumstances.
Causes of whiplash:
Car accident
Fall or Slip
Sports injuries
Any forceful back and forth motion of neck
We are able to treat whiplash through various chiropractic techniques and therapies. An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to determine the extent and severity of your whiplash. To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.
Carpal Tunnel

Carpal tunnel affects approximately 3 to 6 percent of adults and occurs more frequently in women than men. It is also one of the most commonly misdiagnosed conditions of the hand. Carpal tunnel occurs when the median nerve is entrapped within the “carpal tunnel” which is at the base of your palm. The pain/numbness that occurs will follow the very specific pattern shown below.

Several tests and exams are necessary to determine the exact cause of your hand pain/numbness. We have a variety of treatment protocols and options to help open back up the carpal tunnel and relieve the pain/numbness caused by a true carpal tunnel syndrome. If your condition is one that mimics carpal tunnel we have treatment protocols for those conditions as well.
Conditions that can mimic carpal tunnel syndrome:
Median nerve entrapment at elbow
Cervical disc bulge/herniation
Thoracic outlet syndrome
First rib dysfunction
We are able to treat all of these conditions through various chiropractic techniques and therapies. An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to isolate cause and determine treatment protocol. To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.
Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis occurs in 10% of the general population. The plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot. When it becomes irritated or inflamed you will experience pain from the bottom (underside) of the heel to the base of each toe. Pain will often go through the arch of the foot as well. For many people the pain is worse in the morning and often relieves as you begin to walk on it, but every presentation is different.
Causes of plantar fasciitis:
Being on your feet frequently
Frequent running/jogging (especially on concrete)
Wearing non-supportive shoes (e.g heels, flats, flip flops)
Several tests and exams are necessary to determine the exact cause of your foot/heel pain. We have a variety of treatment protocols and options to relieve pressure on the plantar fascia. There are quite a few foot/heel conditions that have similar symptoms to plantar fasciitis, but are actually different conditions all together. If your condition is one that mimics plantar fasciitis we have treatment protocols for those conditions as well.
Conditions that mimic plantar fasciitis:
Heel spurs
Achilles tendinitis
Stress fractures
We are able to treat all of these conditions through various chiropractic techniques and therapies. An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to isolate cause and determine treatment protocol. To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.
TMJ Disorder

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint. There are two TMJ joints and they connect your jaw to the base of your skull on each side. This joint has a small disc between it that can become aggravated, inflamed, and/or misaligned. TMJ can lead to tenderness and pain at the side of your face and jaw. It can be difficult to open your jaw or chew with this condition. Another common symptom is popping or clicking of the jaw.
Causes of TMJ:
Grinding of teeth
Misalignment of TMJ joint or disc between the joint
Trauma to jaw, mouth, or side of face
Tight musculature at neck, face, or base of skull
We are able to treat all of these conditions through various chiropractic techniques and therapies. TMJ protocol generally requires soft tissue release and realignment. An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to isolate cause and determine treatment protocol. To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.
Shoulder Issues

Shoulder pain is an extremely common condition, but has many different origins/causes. One common cause is rotator cuff irritation which refers to the four muscle tendons that help you lift, turn, and rotate your shoulder. In many cases these rotator cuff injuries are aggravations and not tears meaning they are fully manageable with conservative care in our office. There are many other reasons for shoulder pain and a full examination is necessary to determine cause and treatment protocols.
Causes of shoulder pain:
Rotator cuff injuries
Labral tears
Nerve impingement
Thoracic outlet syndrome
First rib syndrome
Cervical disc bulges/herniations
Poor posture
Shoulder dislocation
AC joint separation
We often find that nerve impingement in the neck or upper shoulder area are involved in the shoulder pain. One example of this would be a frozen shoulder condition. Through adjustments and therapies we are able to “unpinch” the nerve, calm down the inflammation, and greatly improve the issue. An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to isolate cause and determine treatment protocol. To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.
Sports Injuries
Golf related injuries

We treat golfers of every handicap at Lookout Valley Chiropractic. Golf injuries are very common due to the rapid spinal rotation and weight shift required by the golf swing.
Common golf related injuries we treat:
Neck pain
Midback pain
Lumbar pain
Disc bulges/herniations
Shoulder issues
Muscle strain/sprains
Tennis elbow
Golfers elbow
Wrist issues
Carpal tunnel
Hip bursitis
Knee pain
Ankle pain
Plantar fasciitis
Heel spurs
An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to isolate cause and determine treatment protocol of your injury . To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.
Tennis/pickleball related injuries

We do not take a side on the tennis vs pickleball debate! Both are great sports for your cardio health and general well-being. But both sports can cause injuries and chiropractic maintenance will only benefit your game.
Common tennis related injuries we treat:
Neck pain
Midback pain
Lumbar pain
Disc bulges/herniations
Shoulder issues
Muscle strain/sprains
Tennis elbow
Golfers elbow
Wrist issues
Carpal tunnel
Hip bursitis
Knee pain
Ankle pain
Plantar fasciitis
Heel spurs
An exam, consultation, and possibly an x-ray will be necessary to isolate cause and determine treatment protocol of your injury . To schedule an appointment please click here or call (423) 825 5252.